As 2011 comes to a close, I really just cant believe it. So much has happened to Michael and I this year! It's very hard to believe this time last year we still lived in Shreveport! 2011 was a year of change for my friends and I and most of us are just ready for a new year. But I thought I would make a list, before I get into my 12 for 2012 tomorrow, of my favorite things from this past year.
Favorite Event:
Rhapsody 2011 was by far my favorite event, memory, trip, etc. Seeing ALL of my friends together again, eating a Taco Mania, I mean... what is better?!
Best Family Moment:
My brother Austin graduated from high school and now goes to The University of Texas. It makes me want to vomit how old he is.
Favorite Movie:
I saw a goodly amount of movies this year and BY FAR my fave has to be Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2. I cannot believe it's over!!
Favorite Book:
I'm probably behind but One Day was a great book. Even though it made me want to kill myself it was the book that sparked my interest in reading again!!
Favorite Music:
It's hard to choose with Beyonce, Lady GaGa and Adele coming out with new albums and I overplayed all of them. But Beyonce's 4 was by far the most overplayed in my household so I choose her :)
Favorite Resturant:
This year it HAS to go to Taco Diner. For. Real. Mambo Taxis for. the. win.
In between all of this I celebrated my first year of marriage, moved to Chicago, got a new job, roadtripped to Milwaukee twice and Shreveport, lived by a beach, my car got totaled by a firetruck, moved apartments twice, got a fabulous roommate and became obsessed with Friday Night Lights. All in all, 2011 was a hard but good year. BUT I'm so ready for 2012. Bring. It.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
good friends come once in a lifetime
This past weekend changed me.
Michael, Emma, Whitney and I traveled to Shreveport for last past 5 days for a weekend of reunion with my friends and for the 70th anniversary of the Centenary College Choir and Rhapsody. Michael, Emma and I hadn't been back there since January! We had a tour of food itinerary and an abundance of friends waiting!!! I expected to leave there missing my friends and family, but I really am surprised at how I feel back in Chicago.
Our weekend was AMAZING! Filled with mexican food, booze, concerts, late night happy hour, late night round-the-fire chats, celebrating Amelia's first birthday, telling stories we've already told thousands of times and laughing at them like it was the first time we heard them, and my very best friends. Introducing Shreveport to Whitney was a lot of fun as well. Love that city and never knew I would be homesick for sweet Shrevegas that I swore I hated. We left with lots of memories and with probably an extra 5 lbs each. haha AND we started wondering why this can't be our lives all. the. time.
I talked to my mom on the phone while we were there and she said "Lesley, I haven't heard you this happy in a very long time. I hope you can find a way to be this happy for the years Michael is in school in Chicago." Whitney looked at Emma while we were driving and just said "I generally had a great time. You guys are so lucky you found each other." After we got back Emma and I looked at each other and just couldn't believe that, what, we will NEVER have as much fun as we did this weekend since we will never live near each other again!? I really don't enjoy that and seriously not a good time.
When I moved to Shreveport 4 years ago, I never knew I was gaining a family. I never knew that I could have friends that feel like I couldn't live without them. I genuinely am in love with my friends I met in Shreveport.
If I learned anything from this past weekend is that we have all tried to live apart for, like, 3 years now. No one has even come close to having friends that equal what we all have. I know that it's a long shot, but we all should live near each other. How? Not sure. But all I know is that I haven't had as much fun in probably a year like I did this past weekend. Probably since the last time we were all together.
So I guess in truth, my friends changed me. This past weekend just changed my mind.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
To Whom it May Concern: You owe me $500. Hugs and Kisses- Lesley (I'm looking at YOU City of Evanston)
September 1, 2011. 8:20 am. I was sound asleep in my comfy bed. My husband got up and left for his 2nd day of orientation for grad school. At 8:25 am, I get awoken from my slumber by my hubs to come outside and take a look at something. That something happened to be our sweet, brand-new, LEASED, 2010 Toyota Corolla S, from the headlight to the taillight on the drivers side, COMPLETELY smashed in. There is a sweet little note from the City of Evanston saying "Your car has been hit by a city vehicle. Call this number and mention this case number."
(Can I Leslie Knope and side bar for a hot min?? I'm thinking, if you have to be hit, being hit by the city HAS to be the best option. You. Are. Mistaken.)
We call. And call. and FINALLY get ahold of someone, who tells us to call our insurance company. Now, if I have learned anything through this, it's that Progressive Insurance is where it's at. They have been amaze. Anyways, they get a tow, get us a rental (mind you, only for 30 days) and start working with the City so we don't have to. Turns out, our neighbor heard the crash and told us what happened!
(Luckily my husband is apparently a god to the people he serves coffee to and they recognize him HEY! PEETS GUY! HEAR WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR CAR?!)
A FIRETRUCK was turning down our street and the ladder fell off and hit my car. $14,000 worth of damage. But it's all fine!!! The city will take care of everything!!
5 days later, we get a call from Progressive saying that their lawyers have done all they can (never a good sign) and apparently in Illinois, there is a law stating that if an emergency vehicle is on its way to an emergency, they aren't liable for anything that it harms in it's way.
(Really cool, Illinois. Way to have your citizens backs.)
So anyways, long story short, our insurance is covering most of it. Our car has taken 6 weeks to fix. We only had a rental for 4 weeks. It is ready this Monday, and we have to have our $500 deductible to pick up our car. $14,000 worth of damage that happened in OUR SLEEP and we STILL have to take the hit.
(This isn't points in your column, Chicago. Love ya babe, but Dallas is taking you on this one)
If you have been reading my blog posts before, you know that my fabulous hubs and I are already pretty poor. Seriously, I'm feeding my dog rice. I started buying lottery tickets.
(The Lesley with more money was so much more fun.)
Moral of the story: If you are ever anywhere NEAR Illinois, beware of government funded vehicles. They may just run into you without abandon just because they can!
It really hip and cool of you Evanston. You really owe me $14,000 and I'll take another $5,000 for the surgery I will inevitably have to have from all the wrinkle lines I'm creating. BUT, I'll be a nice southern gal and settle for just my $500 deductible so this mess doesn't actually cost US money. Thanks and have a good damn day.
(Just one more side bar. If anyone feels Jesus himself telling you to help a poor, seminary student and his hardworking hairstylist wife, I will never stop the Spirit from moving. Let me know, gurrll)
(Okay I lied. One more. Open your netflix instant stream and start watching Parks and Rec immediately. And then send me $500. The order isn't important, just that you do both. I'm kidding!)
(No. I'm Not.)
(Can I Leslie Knope and side bar for a hot min?? I'm thinking, if you have to be hit, being hit by the city HAS to be the best option. You. Are. Mistaken.)
We call. And call. and FINALLY get ahold of someone, who tells us to call our insurance company. Now, if I have learned anything through this, it's that Progressive Insurance is where it's at. They have been amaze. Anyways, they get a tow, get us a rental (mind you, only for 30 days) and start working with the City so we don't have to. Turns out, our neighbor heard the crash and told us what happened!
(Luckily my husband is apparently a god to the people he serves coffee to and they recognize him HEY! PEETS GUY! HEAR WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR CAR?!)
A FIRETRUCK was turning down our street and the ladder fell off and hit my car. $14,000 worth of damage. But it's all fine!!! The city will take care of everything!!
5 days later, we get a call from Progressive saying that their lawyers have done all they can (never a good sign) and apparently in Illinois, there is a law stating that if an emergency vehicle is on its way to an emergency, they aren't liable for anything that it harms in it's way.
(Really cool, Illinois. Way to have your citizens backs.)
So anyways, long story short, our insurance is covering most of it. Our car has taken 6 weeks to fix. We only had a rental for 4 weeks. It is ready this Monday, and we have to have our $500 deductible to pick up our car. $14,000 worth of damage that happened in OUR SLEEP and we STILL have to take the hit.
(This isn't points in your column, Chicago. Love ya babe, but Dallas is taking you on this one)
If you have been reading my blog posts before, you know that my fabulous hubs and I are already pretty poor. Seriously, I'm feeding my dog rice. I started buying lottery tickets.
(The Lesley with more money was so much more fun.)
Moral of the story: If you are ever anywhere NEAR Illinois, beware of government funded vehicles. They may just run into you without abandon just because they can!
It really hip and cool of you Evanston. You really owe me $14,000 and I'll take another $5,000 for the surgery I will inevitably have to have from all the wrinkle lines I'm creating. BUT, I'll be a nice southern gal and settle for just my $500 deductible so this mess doesn't actually cost US money. Thanks and have a good damn day.
(Just one more side bar. If anyone feels Jesus himself telling you to help a poor, seminary student and his hardworking hairstylist wife, I will never stop the Spirit from moving. Let me know, gurrll)
(Okay I lied. One more. Open your netflix instant stream and start watching Parks and Rec immediately. And then send me $500. The order isn't important, just that you do both. I'm kidding!)
(No. I'm Not.)
Sunday, October 2, 2011
New Shows in Fall 2011, is anything better than Modern Family?
So- It comes to no surprise to anyone that knows me how much I am OBSESSED with TV. Seriously. My DVR is practically at capacity for the amount I can record a week. SO when it came to all the new shows coming on this fall, Emma and I took it into our own hands to see what is worth watching.
Here is what we started with:
::New Shows::
Up All Night
Hart of Dixie
New Girl
Pan Am
::Returning Shows::
The Sing-Off
Parks and Recreation
And of course the shows I regularly watch: Gossip Girl, Grey's Anatomy, The Office, Sister Wives, SVU, Modern Family, and Glee.
So, out of all the shows we started with, we kicked Ringer and Whitney to the side. They were both not funny, trying to hard, and hard to follow. Over it.
My shows that I regularly watch are bringing it so far. Modern Family and Glee are the standouts for sure, SVU is not the same AT ALL without Stabler, Gossip Girl is as terrible as usual, and this SHOULD be Grey's last season. Come on now.
I had never watched Parks and Rec before, and I have to tell you. It. Is. Amazing. Stop what you're doing and watch last weeks episode, Ron and Tammys. IMMEDIATELY.
I will continue to watch all the shows left, but if you have to watch any make it
New Girl, Up All Night and Revenge.
Zooey Deschanel is everything. New Girl is just so funny and amaze. Up All Night is, hands down, one of the funniest shows I've seen in awhile. Christina Applegate, Will Arnett and Maya Rudolph are a great team. Seriously, hilarious.
If you love horrible TV, i.e. Gossip Girl, Pretty Little Liars, 90201, etc. You will be OBSESSED with Revenge. Seriously? Murder Mystery? Can't. Get. Better.
All in all, I was afraid this fall wasn't going to be up there with my summer shows (The Closer, Shedding for the Wedding, Pretty Little Liars) But my 3 new shows tots made up for it.
Has anyone else watched any new TV shows? What did you think?
Are you PISSED 30 Rock isn't coming back till January? I. Am.
xx Lesley
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Emmy's Fashion
Everyone knows how obsessed I am with TV, so it should come as no surprise that the Emmy's are like my Super Bowl. My Modern Family won!!! And now what really matters, the Fashion :)
Best Dressed: Kate Winslet, Nina Debrov of Vampire Diaries, Christina Hendricks of Mad Men (who is EVERYTHING), bombshell Sofia Vergara of Modern Family and Minka Kelly, all looking GORGEOUS!

How red HOT are these ladies!? Loving the curves and great fit of ALL these dresses but I have to give it to my girl, Christina Hendricks for Best Dressed for looking AMAZE.
Worst Dressed: Zooey Deschanel of New Girl, Paula Abdul, Juilianna Margulies of The Good Wife, Katie Holmes, and Gwyneth Paltrow.

I mean do I even have to say it?? What is going on with the Malibu Barbie look, the CROOKED dress, space age/dog collar dress, swimsuit top and a muffin top!?? Come on people. PLEASE. But I have to give it to Juilianna Margulies for really fugging it up in that weird space dress. Not. Cute. You're a winner girl... Lets get it together.
What do you guys think?!

Everyone knows how obsessed I am with TV, so it should come as no surprise that the Emmy's are like my Super Bowl. My Modern Family won!!! And now what really matters, the Fashion :)
Best Dressed: Kate Winslet, Nina Debrov of Vampire Diaries, Christina Hendricks of Mad Men (who is EVERYTHING), bombshell Sofia Vergara of Modern Family and Minka Kelly, all looking GORGEOUS!
How red HOT are these ladies!? Loving the curves and great fit of ALL these dresses but I have to give it to my girl, Christina Hendricks for Best Dressed for looking AMAZE.
Worst Dressed: Zooey Deschanel of New Girl, Paula Abdul, Juilianna Margulies of The Good Wife, Katie Holmes, and Gwyneth Paltrow.
I mean do I even have to say it?? What is going on with the Malibu Barbie look, the CROOKED dress, space age/dog collar dress, swimsuit top and a muffin top!?? Come on people. PLEASE. But I have to give it to Juilianna Margulies for really fugging it up in that weird space dress. Not. Cute. You're a winner girl... Lets get it together.
What do you guys think?!

Sunday, July 31, 2011
My life is semi back to normal. My BFF Emma is BACK!!!!!! She was gone all summer. I was starting to get pissed.
Now that she is back, my 2 best gals and I are joining the YMCA tomorrow morning. Stay tuned for our workout and diet (or lack there of) until November 4th (when we go back to Shrevey for Rhapsody Reunion). It shall get interesting!!
Now that she is back, my 2 best gals and I are joining the YMCA tomorrow morning. Stay tuned for our workout and diet (or lack there of) until November 4th (when we go back to Shrevey for Rhapsody Reunion). It shall get interesting!!
Monday, July 11, 2011
Spicy Chicken and Cheese Sliders
I have been trying to make mostly healthy item as of late. I'm always looking for recipes that don't always taste healthy though, as I am now married and my husband is a, ahem, PICKY eater. :)
I was reading SELF magazine and found this recipe. I did change it slightly and it was so amazing!!! It was a little spicy for my northern friends, so next time I will make it with a little less chipotle peppers.
Spicy Chicken and Cheese Sliders
Cooking Spray
1 green bell pepper, chopped
1/2 red onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, chopped
2 cups cherry tomatoes, halved
1/2 rotisserie chicken, meat pulled off bone and shredded
2/3 cup store-bought BBQ sauce
1/4 can (7 oz) chipotle peppers in adobo sauce (I doubled it, and would not recommend unless you like things very spicy)
8 small whole-wheat buns
1/2 cup grated sharp cheddar
2 cups sprouts (arugula or alfalfa)
Coat a sauce pan (I use a wok) with cooking spray. Cook chopped bell pepper, garlic, and onion in pan over medium heat, stirring for about 3 minutes. Add in shredded chicken, BBQ sauce, chipotles, and 1/4 cup of water. simmer for about 15 min.

Heat oven to 400, open buns and place on a cookie sheet covered in foil. Distribute chicken evenly over bottom half of each bun; top each with some shredded cheese. Bake until cheese melts and bubbles, about 4-5 minutes. Top with cherry tomatoes and sprouts and bun cap
Serve right away!!
I paired mine with sweet potato fries and a garden salad :)

Enjoy :)
Makes 4 Servings
374 Calories per serving
I was reading SELF magazine and found this recipe. I did change it slightly and it was so amazing!!! It was a little spicy for my northern friends, so next time I will make it with a little less chipotle peppers.
Spicy Chicken and Cheese Sliders
Cooking Spray
1 green bell pepper, chopped
1/2 red onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, chopped
2 cups cherry tomatoes, halved
1/2 rotisserie chicken, meat pulled off bone and shredded
2/3 cup store-bought BBQ sauce
1/4 can (7 oz) chipotle peppers in adobo sauce (I doubled it, and would not recommend unless you like things very spicy)
8 small whole-wheat buns
1/2 cup grated sharp cheddar
2 cups sprouts (arugula or alfalfa)
Coat a sauce pan (I use a wok) with cooking spray. Cook chopped bell pepper, garlic, and onion in pan over medium heat, stirring for about 3 minutes. Add in shredded chicken, BBQ sauce, chipotles, and 1/4 cup of water. simmer for about 15 min.

Heat oven to 400, open buns and place on a cookie sheet covered in foil. Distribute chicken evenly over bottom half of each bun; top each with some shredded cheese. Bake until cheese melts and bubbles, about 4-5 minutes. Top with cherry tomatoes and sprouts and bun cap
Serve right away!!
I paired mine with sweet potato fries and a garden salad :)

Enjoy :)
Makes 4 Servings
374 Calories per serving
Friday, July 8, 2011
In honor of July 15, 2011
I still remember to this day.
I was sitting in Spring Creek BBQ with my family having dinner, when my mom started telling me about this book. She said she didn't want to ruin the book for me if I decided to start reading them. I told her there was no way I would read it, so she started explaining to me Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. I remember her talking about Diagon Alley, and Hogwarts, and all these very interesting characters. I picked up the book the next day and have fallen in love over and over again ever since.
I waited in line at Barnes and Noble I think 5 times at midnight for the books, have seen EVERY movie at midnight, and am a total dork for actually having an argument about how I thought Snape was truly evil. I will never forget watching my friends on the beach re-reading the sixth book, WEEPING about Dumbledore even though we knew it was coming.
I love the Harry Potter series. I'm so sad that it's is soon to be completely over!! I am fully aware that I am probably not the person you thought I was now hearing about this, but it's okay.
My favorite character is by far Neville Longbottom. and Molly Weasley. My favorite book and movie are the same, Prisoner of Azkaban. The only thing I wish different about the books is that Hedwig died too suddenly. I LOVED the epilogue and don't really get why a lot of people didn't. They portrayed the books really great in the movies, but Bellatrix really is on point. I think Helena Bonham Carter may just actually be her.
This has gone on far too long, but in honor of the series ending in the big screen, I have bought my double feature Part 1-Part 2 midnight showing in Evanston for this Thursday night. And as I type, I'm already on the 3rd movie, Prisoner of Azkaban and impatiently awaiting HP-DH-P2!!!!
#imaloser #hpforever
I was sitting in Spring Creek BBQ with my family having dinner, when my mom started telling me about this book. She said she didn't want to ruin the book for me if I decided to start reading them. I told her there was no way I would read it, so she started explaining to me Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. I remember her talking about Diagon Alley, and Hogwarts, and all these very interesting characters. I picked up the book the next day and have fallen in love over and over again ever since.
I waited in line at Barnes and Noble I think 5 times at midnight for the books, have seen EVERY movie at midnight, and am a total dork for actually having an argument about how I thought Snape was truly evil. I will never forget watching my friends on the beach re-reading the sixth book, WEEPING about Dumbledore even though we knew it was coming.
I love the Harry Potter series. I'm so sad that it's is soon to be completely over!! I am fully aware that I am probably not the person you thought I was now hearing about this, but it's okay.
My favorite character is by far Neville Longbottom. and Molly Weasley. My favorite book and movie are the same, Prisoner of Azkaban. The only thing I wish different about the books is that Hedwig died too suddenly. I LOVED the epilogue and don't really get why a lot of people didn't. They portrayed the books really great in the movies, but Bellatrix really is on point. I think Helena Bonham Carter may just actually be her.
This has gone on far too long, but in honor of the series ending in the big screen, I have bought my double feature Part 1-Part 2 midnight showing in Evanston for this Thursday night. And as I type, I'm already on the 3rd movie, Prisoner of Azkaban and impatiently awaiting HP-DH-P2!!!!
#imaloser #hpforever
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
An Ode to being Poor
In case anyone was wondering:
Chicago is so very expensive to live in. There are fees for paying fees, for parking, public transit, for buying a roll of quarters, for laundry, for breathing, etc. Not only that, but they don't pay you anymore to compensate. Which brings me to our current situation.
We. Have. No. Money.
It's been pretty fun living broke. Really! We've come up with very creative ways to eat, live, and have fun. Example: We installed window units. The one in our bedroom stays at a solid 85 degrees all day and (thankfully) goes down to a brisk 77 at night. We cook a lot more. Which actually is a great time. We walk to work instead of taking the train. Which hopefully is resulting in losing a few lbs. (ps if anyone wants to buy my husband a bike for his birthday, its July 25th and he would kiss you on the mouth) I made Bella rice to eat the other night. Turns out shes not a huge fan, but will eat it.
I complain every single day, as we had it pretty easy in Shreveport. Both had very great solid jobs and its just generally less expensive to live there. (and we had our OWN washer and dryer. I want everyone who is reading this who owns their own to lift a prayer up to the heavens and thank Jesus himself for such) As I am complaining, my very uplifting and positive husband reminds me that we are only 23 years old. This is hard to believe because yes, we are married, both out of school and should be able to have stable careers at this point. Also, that we would still have to live in Shreveport. NO. Chicago is such an amazing city. I was driving through it today just amazed that I actually live here.
So here it is. I should stop complaining so much. Because the truth is that one day we (hopefully) will be able to buy a home, own a washer and dryer, go on fabulous vacations, and live near our friends once again. Until then, I will bitch with Marcus on the phone and try to actively remind myself that I'm blessed to have my friends in my life, have an apt, and have the best husband a girl could hope for.
Being poor is the latest trend, right?!
Chicago is so very expensive to live in. There are fees for paying fees, for parking, public transit, for buying a roll of quarters, for laundry, for breathing, etc. Not only that, but they don't pay you anymore to compensate. Which brings me to our current situation.
We. Have. No. Money.
It's been pretty fun living broke. Really! We've come up with very creative ways to eat, live, and have fun. Example: We installed window units. The one in our bedroom stays at a solid 85 degrees all day and (thankfully) goes down to a brisk 77 at night. We cook a lot more. Which actually is a great time. We walk to work instead of taking the train. Which hopefully is resulting in losing a few lbs. (ps if anyone wants to buy my husband a bike for his birthday, its July 25th and he would kiss you on the mouth) I made Bella rice to eat the other night. Turns out shes not a huge fan, but will eat it.
I complain every single day, as we had it pretty easy in Shreveport. Both had very great solid jobs and its just generally less expensive to live there. (and we had our OWN washer and dryer. I want everyone who is reading this who owns their own to lift a prayer up to the heavens and thank Jesus himself for such) As I am complaining, my very uplifting and positive husband reminds me that we are only 23 years old. This is hard to believe because yes, we are married, both out of school and should be able to have stable careers at this point. Also, that we would still have to live in Shreveport. NO. Chicago is such an amazing city. I was driving through it today just amazed that I actually live here.
So here it is. I should stop complaining so much. Because the truth is that one day we (hopefully) will be able to buy a home, own a washer and dryer, go on fabulous vacations, and live near our friends once again. Until then, I will bitch with Marcus on the phone and try to actively remind myself that I'm blessed to have my friends in my life, have an apt, and have the best husband a girl could hope for.
Being poor is the latest trend, right?!
Saturday, June 25, 2011
New York, New York
So, I normally use my blog to update people in the south about my life, share recipes, etc. But today isn't any other blog post.
When I moved from Irving, TX to Shreveport, LA, I will admit I was very naive and close minded. I was an admitted republican probably because I didn't know anything different. Moving out of my comfort zone led me into having to really form my own view of the world, politics, and religion. While I won't go into all my findings and the details of the theology I've come to believe I am going to comment on the wonderful success New York had last night.
I have many friends that are nursing students, singers, teachers, worship leaders, etc, that live in America yet don't have even close to the same rights as I do. How is that fair?! Do they pay the same taxes? I find it so astonishing that people won't get out of their own comfort zone and educate themselves to understand what is happening.
I have never in my life felt so ashamed of my country as when I realized what exactly we are going through here. My best friend, an amazingly gifted choir teacher, can get called a faggot by a student in the middle of a school hallway, administers all around, and no one says a word. Yet if I was a teacher at the same school and a student called me a bitch, they would be suspended. It is shocking how we are in the midst of another civil rights era and a lot of people don't seem to recognize it. It's embarrassing to read about a UM pastor, who is an out lesbian and married two lesbians, is now on "trial" and in hot water for doing something that everyone should be able to do.
When I found out a little more about the gay rights/marriage equality issue, I realized it's people not willing to look outside the box and maybe admit they were wrong. I'm not writing this to get under anyone's skin or offend anybody, but I do want to challenge you to rethink your stance. Educate yourselves. New York had an amazing victory last night. One more small step towards equality becoming a reality.
So please, let my friends have the same rights we all do. Let them dance to Lady Gaga at their wedding. Let me attend their weddings and support them in the same way they supported me.
Born this way, baby! Paws up for marriage equality!
When I moved from Irving, TX to Shreveport, LA, I will admit I was very naive and close minded. I was an admitted republican probably because I didn't know anything different. Moving out of my comfort zone led me into having to really form my own view of the world, politics, and religion. While I won't go into all my findings and the details of the theology I've come to believe I am going to comment on the wonderful success New York had last night.
I have many friends that are nursing students, singers, teachers, worship leaders, etc, that live in America yet don't have even close to the same rights as I do. How is that fair?! Do they pay the same taxes? I find it so astonishing that people won't get out of their own comfort zone and educate themselves to understand what is happening.
I have never in my life felt so ashamed of my country as when I realized what exactly we are going through here. My best friend, an amazingly gifted choir teacher, can get called a faggot by a student in the middle of a school hallway, administers all around, and no one says a word. Yet if I was a teacher at the same school and a student called me a bitch, they would be suspended. It is shocking how we are in the midst of another civil rights era and a lot of people don't seem to recognize it. It's embarrassing to read about a UM pastor, who is an out lesbian and married two lesbians, is now on "trial" and in hot water for doing something that everyone should be able to do.
When I found out a little more about the gay rights/marriage equality issue, I realized it's people not willing to look outside the box and maybe admit they were wrong. I'm not writing this to get under anyone's skin or offend anybody, but I do want to challenge you to rethink your stance. Educate yourselves. New York had an amazing victory last night. One more small step towards equality becoming a reality.
So please, let my friends have the same rights we all do. Let them dance to Lady Gaga at their wedding. Let me attend their weddings and support them in the same way they supported me.
Born this way, baby! Paws up for marriage equality!
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Pad Thai
Well, I've become quite the little amateur chef here lately! I have been looking for recipes everywhere! My friend Jana has a wonderful blog(here) that I have tried several things from like Chicken Tikka Masala, French Onion Soup, Poblano Cream Sauce, etc. AND bunches from my mom(of course:)) So I've been inspired to start cooking more often!
Michael, our friends and I LOVE Thai food! Pad Thai is a staple within our friend group. So, I decided to try and make it our own. I found this recipe in a magazine, but changed a lot of it. What I liked about it was that it didn't involve fish sauce, tamarind and the thousand other ingredients the authentic recipe calls for. I know I eat that when it's in a restaurant but I don't want to cook with it haha
Also, keep in mind, I'm cooking for 6 people. We have the FAB Sorensen crew here for Gabbi's ballet program for 5 weeks, so I'm feeding the 3 of them, Michael, the ever fabulous Whitney Starkey, and myself.
Chicken (or tofu) Pad Thai
16 oz box of Rice Noodles (I use "A Taste Of Thai" Rice Stick noodles
3 Chicken Breasts, cubed
2 tsp Tony Chachere's Seasoning (I use salt free, but that's just me)
5 tbsp of Brown Sugar
3 tablespoons fresh lime juice, plus wedges for serving
4 tablespoons soy sauce
1 squirt of Sriracha(we call it rooster sauce haha its the red sauce you find at Thai or Chinese restaurants) (optional if you don't like spicy)
2 teaspoons EVOO
3 scallions (green onions), white and green parts, separated and thinly sliced
1 garlic clove, minced
4 large eggs
1/2 cup fresh cilantro
1 bag of bean sprouts
1/4 cup chopped roasted, salted peanuts
So, start with your chicken. I am very weird about my meat. I cut the chicken in half vertically, cut off the fat and the parts that look questionable to me haha and then cube them.
Then I put the EVOO, chicken and Tony's in a skillet and sauteed for about 10 min or until cooked through, then took off of heat and set aside.
While the chicken is cooking, soak your rice noodles in a bowl of the hottest tap water you can get (NOT boiling) for 25 min.
Chop your cilantro, peanuts and slice 2 limes and put aside
Now, in a bowl, put your brown sugar, soy sauce, lime juice and Sriracha, whisk together until the sugar dissolves
Chop your green onion. Cut the root off the bottom and throw away. Chop the bottom whiter part and then cut the top green part into 2 inch ribbons
Mince your clove of garlic
In another bowl, beat your 4 eggs.
Once your noodles are done soaking, heat a couple of tbsp of oil in a wok or skillet. If they don't feel done yet, that's okay.
Now collect ALL of your pre-prepared items. It will go very quickly from here on out. Grab another clean plate. You will need it in a min.
Throw in the white parts of the green onions and garlic. Saute about 30 secs, stirring constantly
Now pour in your eggs let cook, scrapping the bottom until ALMOST fully cooked. fold all together and set in your clean plate.
Toss the noodles in the pan along with the rest of your green onions and your sauce. Stir all together until the noodles are soft (about 1 min)
Add eggs back into the pan, break up the eggs gently, and add some chopped peanuts.
Serve with a lime wedge, bean sprouts, cilantro, and chopped peanuts.

Voila! It is very good and not very spicy. I add a lot more rooster sauce to my plate and don't like bean sprouts :)
Makes 6 servings
Per Serving: 315 Calories
Michael, our friends and I LOVE Thai food! Pad Thai is a staple within our friend group. So, I decided to try and make it our own. I found this recipe in a magazine, but changed a lot of it. What I liked about it was that it didn't involve fish sauce, tamarind and the thousand other ingredients the authentic recipe calls for. I know I eat that when it's in a restaurant but I don't want to cook with it haha
Also, keep in mind, I'm cooking for 6 people. We have the FAB Sorensen crew here for Gabbi's ballet program for 5 weeks, so I'm feeding the 3 of them, Michael, the ever fabulous Whitney Starkey, and myself.
Chicken (or tofu) Pad Thai
16 oz box of Rice Noodles (I use "A Taste Of Thai" Rice Stick noodles
3 Chicken Breasts, cubed
2 tsp Tony Chachere's Seasoning (I use salt free, but that's just me)
5 tbsp of Brown Sugar
3 tablespoons fresh lime juice, plus wedges for serving
4 tablespoons soy sauce
1 squirt of Sriracha(we call it rooster sauce haha its the red sauce you find at Thai or Chinese restaurants) (optional if you don't like spicy)
2 teaspoons EVOO
3 scallions (green onions), white and green parts, separated and thinly sliced
1 garlic clove, minced
4 large eggs
1/2 cup fresh cilantro
1 bag of bean sprouts
1/4 cup chopped roasted, salted peanuts
So, start with your chicken. I am very weird about my meat. I cut the chicken in half vertically, cut off the fat and the parts that look questionable to me haha and then cube them.
Then I put the EVOO, chicken and Tony's in a skillet and sauteed for about 10 min or until cooked through, then took off of heat and set aside.
While the chicken is cooking, soak your rice noodles in a bowl of the hottest tap water you can get (NOT boiling) for 25 min.
Chop your cilantro, peanuts and slice 2 limes and put aside
Now, in a bowl, put your brown sugar, soy sauce, lime juice and Sriracha, whisk together until the sugar dissolves
Chop your green onion. Cut the root off the bottom and throw away. Chop the bottom whiter part and then cut the top green part into 2 inch ribbons
Mince your clove of garlic
In another bowl, beat your 4 eggs.
Once your noodles are done soaking, heat a couple of tbsp of oil in a wok or skillet. If they don't feel done yet, that's okay.
Now collect ALL of your pre-prepared items. It will go very quickly from here on out. Grab another clean plate. You will need it in a min.
Throw in the white parts of the green onions and garlic. Saute about 30 secs, stirring constantly
Now pour in your eggs let cook, scrapping the bottom until ALMOST fully cooked. fold all together and set in your clean plate.
Toss the noodles in the pan along with the rest of your green onions and your sauce. Stir all together until the noodles are soft (about 1 min)
Add eggs back into the pan, break up the eggs gently, and add some chopped peanuts.
Serve with a lime wedge, bean sprouts, cilantro, and chopped peanuts.
Voila! It is very good and not very spicy. I add a lot more rooster sauce to my plate and don't like bean sprouts :)
Makes 6 servings
Per Serving: 315 Calories
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
New Apartment, New Roommate, and its SUMMER. Finally.
Well, I haven't written in here since my birthday. To say I can't keep up with this thing is an understatement. I've got to get better!
We just got back from a long weekend in Dallas for my brother Austin's graduation! We had such a blast. Some of our best friends we met in Shreveport all got together for a night and we had such a fun time!! We also got to see a plethora of family and our best friends from high school. It was the best weekend we've had in awhile.
Just an update on our life in ChiTown--
We moved apartments! It is still in Evanston where Michael's school is, but a little further away from the University (crawling with college students just trying to work my nerves). It is still filled with boxes that I must put up soon, it is just SO incredibly hot today and we have NO air conditioning. Which should just be a crime. My BFF, partner-in-crime and soul mate, Emma Elizabeth, moved in with us! It will save on some money and it is really great to have someone else in the house to help out! We are loving it.
I got a new job! I am the newest Jenny Craig Consultant here in Chicago! It is such an amazing job and I am loving it so far! I will be going part-time doing hair and this part-time! I'm very excited!!!
We are so looking forward to exploring the city this time of year and I will try and update at least once a week to keep everyone updated on our life here in the big city!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Well, I turned 23 today. I feel old and young all at the same time. AND to top it all off, our 6th month wedding anniversary is on Saturday!! We have had a great 6 months and a lot of change. :) So in love with my boy, MPJ.
During my 23rd year of life, I've decided to do some things differently. For starters, I think I may take up either yoga or pilates. I'm thinking more on the yoga side so I can "find my balance". I'm making fun of myself as well, don't worry. Also, I'm considering learning either spanish or french. I'm thinking more of french. I know this is not as useful, but it is a more beautiful language I think. (I am crazy, I understand) I just need to stimulate my intellectual side more than new trends in the hair world and the 6 magazines I read each week. Any more suggestions to make myself healthier, more fit, and smarter?
During my 23rd year of life, I've decided to do some things differently. For starters, I think I may take up either yoga or pilates. I'm thinking more on the yoga side so I can "find my balance". I'm making fun of myself as well, don't worry. Also, I'm considering learning either spanish or french. I'm thinking more of french. I know this is not as useful, but it is a more beautiful language I think. (I am crazy, I understand) I just need to stimulate my intellectual side more than new trends in the hair world and the 6 magazines I read each week. Any more suggestions to make myself healthier, more fit, and smarter?
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Life, Mexican Food and Fitness
"How long, oh Lord, beFORE you let me die?" (repeat about 23 times, no other lyric)
This is what is coming from the other room as I type this blog.
This is what is coming from the other room as I type this blog.
Living with a Michael Jarboe is the most hilarious, annoying and adventurous thing I may have ever done. Our sweet family, including bells, is pretty amazing. We spend most days figuring out which meal we will get delivered and which meal we will search to find food at home. I miss my friends like crazy. It has been really great to see Kaci, Michael Rafferty, Lauren and Nick whilst being here. But even crazier than that, I miss my sweet family. I give my mom and sister some credit for listening to me blabber on and on almost everyday about pretty much nothing. PS love you both
But more than that, WE MISS MEXICAN FOOD. I can't tell you how much I love Chicago and Evanston. There is anything and everything I could ever want within walking distance of me. It really is amazing. But, NO mexican food. We had to go to Chilis the other night just to get some chips and salsa. It really is awful. I cant tell you what I would give up for some Superior queso or El Compadres mushroom quesadillas, or tacos from Taco Diner, or fajitas from Chuys. I'm seriously dreaming right now. haha
On another note, it's a chilly 31 degrees here today and about to start snowing. That means alot of things to us. That I will, without a doubt, ask Michael to drive me to work instead of walking the 14 min it takes me to get there in the morning. It also means we haven't been able to work out. Besides the few times Emma and I have done Zumba in my house trying not to wake the sleeping children that live underneath me.
So, alas, we have joined a gym. LA Fitness is in the same building as my work so it couldn't be more convenient. No more excuses. Besides, we are going home and the end of April for our friends wedding!!! Must lose some more weight. No more chipotle or deep dish pizza. Or Andys frozen custard (we had this in springfield when I went to college there!!! the only good thing about springfield)
Anywho- If you have read until here you must be my mom, sister, or husband. haha But if you made it to the end, you are a trooper.
Until next time!
xoxo Lesley
On another note, it's a chilly 31 degrees here today and about to start snowing. That means alot of things to us. That I will, without a doubt, ask Michael to drive me to work instead of walking the 14 min it takes me to get there in the morning. It also means we haven't been able to work out. Besides the few times Emma and I have done Zumba in my house trying not to wake the sleeping children that live underneath me.
So, alas, we have joined a gym. LA Fitness is in the same building as my work so it couldn't be more convenient. No more excuses. Besides, we are going home and the end of April for our friends wedding!!! Must lose some more weight. No more chipotle or deep dish pizza. Or Andys frozen custard (we had this in springfield when I went to college there!!! the only good thing about springfield)
Anywho- If you have read until here you must be my mom, sister, or husband. haha But if you made it to the end, you are a trooper.
Until next time!
xoxo Lesley
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Grammy's Fashion
Best Dressed:
I'm loving Selena Gomez and Sara Bareilles classic look! and look at that HAIR. Fab.

J. Lo is ROCKING that disco ball mini and Florence and the Machines Florence Welch looks straight off the runway with that tousled hair and Givenchy Couture swan gown.

Kelly, George and Guiliana are who I want to be and Jennifer Hudson has a new bod and I'm loving that and her dress... she looks amazing.

Worst Dressed:
Kim Kardashian, Miley Cyrus and Katy Perry couldn't look cheaper in those sparkly cheap looking dresses. Sorry ladies.

I'm obsessed with awards season, so shoot me. I can't believe I haven't done this before!
I'm loving Selena Gomez and Sara Bareilles classic look! and look at that HAIR. Fab.

J. Lo is ROCKING that disco ball mini and Florence and the Machines Florence Welch looks straight off the runway with that tousled hair and Givenchy Couture swan gown.

Kelly, George and Guiliana are who I want to be and Jennifer Hudson has a new bod and I'm loving that and her dress... she looks amazing.

Worst Dressed:
Kim Kardashian, Miley Cyrus and Katy Perry couldn't look cheaper in those sparkly cheap looking dresses. Sorry ladies.

chicagooo, look out!
We. Have. Arrived.
FINALLY we have cable and internet! Sorry I haven't updated in awhile! Our lives are pretty great/strange right now and we are having a blast. I got a job at Asha Salon and Spa here in Evanston ( and I started this past Sunday! It is a great place to work and very close to our apartment. Michael has applied at a bunch of coffee shops and is waiting to hear back from them.
Thank you all for your kinds words and your prayers. We have appreciated them all!
FINALLY we have cable and internet! Sorry I haven't updated in awhile! Our lives are pretty great/strange right now and we are having a blast. I got a job at Asha Salon and Spa here in Evanston ( and I started this past Sunday! It is a great place to work and very close to our apartment. Michael has applied at a bunch of coffee shops and is waiting to hear back from them.
Thank you all for your kinds words and your prayers. We have appreciated them all!
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
All That Jazz
So, it's official! We are moving to Chicago on January 28! We are so excited and pumped and terrified. So, this blog is about to get a bit more exciting. Ha! We are moving to Evanston, IL right outside of this city where Michael will attend graduate school at Northwestern University. My best friend Emma already lives and goes to school there so it will make moving there that much easier. I literally am so SO excited to have a new, fresh start with my new and fresh husband :)
On another note, I've officially started the road to the next 30 lbs off. The holidays were definitely rough on the diet front. Weight Watchers, don't fail me now!
Sunday, January 2, 2011
11 in 2011
1. Move to Chicago without breaking the bank
2. Obtain and maintain my weight loss goal
3. Style a celebrities hair
4. Become a walker slash runner slash active person
5. Take a legit dance class
6. Start playing the piano again
7. Go on a romantic getaway with my husband to somewhere we have never been
8. Go an entire year without shattering an iPhone screen
9. Meet Barack and Michelle and/or attend one of his speaking engagements
10. Pay off at least one of my credit cards
11. Go to the chicago opera and/or ballet
2. Obtain and maintain my weight loss goal
3. Style a celebrities hair
4. Become a walker slash runner slash active person
5. Take a legit dance class
6. Start playing the piano again
7. Go on a romantic getaway with my husband to somewhere we have never been
8. Go an entire year without shattering an iPhone screen
9. Meet Barack and Michelle and/or attend one of his speaking engagements
10. Pay off at least one of my credit cards
11. Go to the chicago opera and/or ballet
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