This post is dedicated to my most beautiful and wonderful mother, Valerie Jones.
Throughout my life my mother has done so many amazing things for me. Meeting my father, moving back to Irving, putting me in public school, giving me 3 insane siblings, going to every single boring football game to watch me be a cheerleader, reminding me to be nice to Michael Jarboe, waiting for me for HOURS outside my high school, supporting me going to trade school and moving to Shreveport and getting married, treating my husband like he's been in the family forever, listening to my countless phone calls that make no sense... The list could go on and on.
I am so proud to have such a caring and loving mom. She is truly the most selfless person I have ever met, putting my siblings and me above anything and anyone else. She dedicates her life to her family, few friends, and serving on the IrvingISD school board (all for free!). I feel like I got a lot of my best qualities from my mother. And also my terrifying ones :)
I love my mom. I hope one day I can be half the mother, wife, and person she is. Thanks Val for everything you did and do for Lacey, Austin, Justin and myself (and Michael too!) We love you and are SO proud of you!!!!
Happy Mother's Day!