Sunday, January 11, 2009

blog, damn.

WOW. Look how far we've come. I sometimes wonder how I got to be here, in my living room of my apartment in Shreveport, LA with Mike Krusleski and Jonathan Merla watching the Golden Globes.

It's been 10 months since I moved to the glorious city of Shrevegasss and pretty much started my life over. After moving to Springfield and hating my life but loving my girls I quit school moved home to the crooked to try and do a re-try on this school thing. It was harder than people thought it was, trust me as much shit as I talk about not caring about other people think I sure was caring. I started costmetology school 2 years ago and it's been the greatest decision of my whole life.
I have an amazing man in my life that has been there for over 4 years. It's been a bumby road but I wouldn't change anything about it at all. I love you Michael Phillip Jarboe. AAAAND he is the reason I am in Shreveport today!
After all of that I found my sanity at Spa Concepts an Aveda lifestyle salon/spa and it's pretty much my life. I love making people feel beautiful about themselves. It's my passion and one day I dream to work alongside my beautiful sister and team up as hairstylist/fashion stylist. I live in a beautiful apartment with my sister from another mister Kaci Kimball and our children Bella and Lucas. We are obsessed with our dog and cat and thats okay with us. I've got some amazing friends that I'm so thankful for but will never forget my roots and the people that make me who I am today. Somehow I convinced my BFF JMerla to move here and be my wingman at all times and it has been pretty great. and thats enough about my life now.

I'm obsessed with my dog, TV on DVD, celebrities, TiVo, Fairfield Grocery, being lazy, and Ludacris.

I am currently reading Bitter is the new Black and I just finished Skinny Bitch and what I have come to realize is that I am a bitch. I know what everyone has been telling me for years, and I love that about myself.

I'm going to Australia and I am in so much debt because of it.

I want to lose weight by sitting on my ass.... okay?

any other questions just creep me or jonathan on facebook cause I know you people who have found this, are in fact creepers.

word to your mother.

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