Wednesday, January 5, 2011

All That Jazz

So, it's official! We are moving to Chicago on January 28! We are so excited and pumped and terrified. So, this blog is about to get a bit more exciting. Ha! We are moving to Evanston, IL right outside of this city where Michael will attend graduate school at Northwestern University. My best friend Emma already lives and goes to school there so it will make moving there that much easier. I literally am so SO excited to have a new, fresh start with my new and fresh husband :)

On another note, I've officially started the road to the next 30 lbs off. The holidays were definitely rough on the diet front. Weight Watchers, don't fail me now!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

11 in 2011

1. Move to Chicago without breaking the bank
2. Obtain and maintain my weight loss goal
3. Style a celebrities hair
4. Become a walker slash runner slash active person
5. Take a legit dance class
6. Start playing the piano again
7. Go on a romantic getaway with my husband to somewhere we have never been
8. Go an entire year without shattering an iPhone screen
9. Meet Barack and Michelle and/or attend one of his speaking engagements
10. Pay off at least one of my credit cards
11. Go to the chicago opera and/or ballet