Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Well... I need a hell of an update! So much has gone on since I last posted!

First of all... IM ENGAGED!

It was such an amazing Thanksgiving surprise! Michael proposed at Travis Middle School where we first met and it was so wonderful. We had the best night hanging with family and friends. I love my fiance!!!

I cant believe Christmas is just around the corner! so crazy. I woke up in the morning to take Bella outside and Kevin Bacon and Liv Tyler were outside my house!!!! so insane!

So my Fiance gave me hell about updating this thing so there you go babe! :)

Love yall!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

life changes.

SO fast. I love my life. I love my friends. I love Michael Jarboe.

"lovin' me's like chewin' on pearls"

Thursday, October 29, 2009

no place like home ♥

Well life has been fast-paced lately.

Me and Michael went to Seattle a couple of weeks ago and absolutely fell head over heals in love with the city. It was by far my favorite place I have been in a while. From the market, the grad school, the scenery, the people, it was just fabulous. (and the shopping wasn't horrible :))

We stayed with our wonderful friend Dave. Amanda and Haylee got to come up from Oregon and hang out with us for a few days and it was magical. Def. a place I must return soon.

On another note, my salon has been closed this week for vacation and so I came home to Irving for a few days and its been amazing spending some time with my family and reconnecting with old friends. The CCC was in town this weekend and Marcus, Andy, DJ, Seth, Jonathan, CJ, Jasmin and I all got to hang out which was so amazing. Also the D'Spains came over for dinner one night and it was so much fun to see them and their crazy boys (who I'm still obsessed with)

All in all, October has been an amazing month. Halloween this weekend! Hopefully Rhapsody doesn't suck all our fun out of it!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Late Night Thoughts

It's about time I start in this thing again. My life is so different and yet completely the same. It's so weird but as i look at the blog underneath this, I am actually going to visit seattle saturday to see if it is where I will be spending a section of my life. To be completely honest I have no idea what I want to do. I know I want my friends, my career, and my love. I want to be a wife. I think thats my main want. I want something to change. I want something to move forward in my life. For the past two years my life has been at a standstill, and while thats fun for awhile it's time for a change. I have had wayy too many things go on in my life the past 6 months to not move forward.
This has become a rant. I am now going to sleep.
All I know is... I cannot wait to see seattle this weekend, I have the best friends I've ever had, and I love Michael Jarboe. More than you know.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

catch me if you can

This is where I want to spend my life... I am pretty sure of it.

My week has been pretty ridiculous so far.  I hope it gets better.

I had the most bad-ass weekend of my entire life. Ever.

I can have whatever I like, right?

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

fashion, money, drama, and special k.

I guess those 4 words could sum up my life right now pretty perfectly.

I want to look like Anne Hathaway.  But I mean, who doesn't?!

There is so much drama going on at work I can't even begin to describe it.  I'm going to try and explain it in one word answers. stealing.friends.betrayal.vietnamese.hawaii.lies.lies.lies.cameras.NO MONEY.

Special K will start coming out my nose soon.  BUT I am losing the weight! 

I want so much fashion its not even funny.  

69 days till my birthday!
thats just 2lbs a week to lose :)

Wanna give me $10,000!?

word to your mother.

Monday, January 19, 2009


Life is so wierd sometimes.

People I went to high school with are so embarressing sometimes.

If I die at any point anytime soon, I want everyone to know first of all my FRIENDS clean out my room(dont let my parents in there!), delete my facebook(i DO NOT want anyone talking to me from beyond e.i. say hi to jesus for me!... THATS CREEPY!), at my funeral dont read from my blog...xanga....journal, and please dont have a open-casket. Its just too much.

OBAMA BABY! I love it so much! Tomorrow is the DAY! :)

I am starting to appreciate my friends in shreveport so much... i love those guys!

I have lost 11 pounds in a week and a half.... not bad!

I want to sing like Jennifer Hudson.

word to your mother!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Party and Bullshit.

I need to start writing in here more.... JMerla is beating me dammit.

Runaway Bride may be in my top 5 movies, but so is First Wives Club... I'm a sucker for sappy chick flicks... kill me!!!

Christina annnnn is in town and its been a BLAST! love her....

FUCK the shit that went on yesterday but I have to shout out to CJ Katie J, JMerla for making it much much better.

I'm so in love with my adorable baby Bella.

I was sitting today and realized... I am head over heels for this guy. I'm so lucky and so in love and there are a million things I want to change and I still dont care.

I have no idea what to write in these things...

I have an addiction to check it out its sunday already people!

So I found out that something I really wanted to happen is not happening because I cant keep my mouth SHUT! in alot of terms of the word. IM SO PISSED! at myself. shit....shit.

I had an amazing day at work today, I need alll the money I can get my hands on so if anyone out there feels the call of God on their life to give me some, I won't be mad at you.

I want to be able to finish a book, an actual book.

This Australia trip better be fucking amazing cause I could do alot with $4,000

word to your mother- lezjones

Monday, January 12, 2009


I have so many movies I need to see:

The Reader
Revolutionary Road
Slumdog Millionare
Bride Wars
The Dark Knight
Pineapple Express
Tropic Thunder
Gran Torino
Yes Man
Seven Pounds

I'm so behind! I'm watching Baby Mama right now with Lacey and it's amazing.

word to your mother.

OH and if you havent seen benjamin button go RIGHT NOW

Sunday, January 11, 2009

blog, damn.

WOW. Look how far we've come. I sometimes wonder how I got to be here, in my living room of my apartment in Shreveport, LA with Mike Krusleski and Jonathan Merla watching the Golden Globes.

It's been 10 months since I moved to the glorious city of Shrevegasss and pretty much started my life over. After moving to Springfield and hating my life but loving my girls I quit school moved home to the crooked to try and do a re-try on this school thing. It was harder than people thought it was, trust me as much shit as I talk about not caring about other people think I sure was caring. I started costmetology school 2 years ago and it's been the greatest decision of my whole life.
I have an amazing man in my life that has been there for over 4 years. It's been a bumby road but I wouldn't change anything about it at all. I love you Michael Phillip Jarboe. AAAAND he is the reason I am in Shreveport today!
After all of that I found my sanity at Spa Concepts an Aveda lifestyle salon/spa and it's pretty much my life. I love making people feel beautiful about themselves. It's my passion and one day I dream to work alongside my beautiful sister and team up as hairstylist/fashion stylist. I live in a beautiful apartment with my sister from another mister Kaci Kimball and our children Bella and Lucas. We are obsessed with our dog and cat and thats okay with us. I've got some amazing friends that I'm so thankful for but will never forget my roots and the people that make me who I am today. Somehow I convinced my BFF JMerla to move here and be my wingman at all times and it has been pretty great. and thats enough about my life now.

I'm obsessed with my dog, TV on DVD, celebrities, TiVo, Fairfield Grocery, being lazy, and Ludacris.

I am currently reading Bitter is the new Black and I just finished Skinny Bitch and what I have come to realize is that I am a bitch. I know what everyone has been telling me for years, and I love that about myself.

I'm going to Australia and I am in so much debt because of it.

I want to lose weight by sitting on my ass.... okay?

any other questions just creep me or jonathan on facebook cause I know you people who have found this, are in fact creepers.

word to your mother.